
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the 8th Europe Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), which is scheduled to take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from June 4 to June 7 2024.
This congress is a prestigious gathering of experts and professionals from around the world and presents an unmissable opportunity for collaboration, given the relevance of our chosen main theme, Water - Across Boundaries, as well as the high quality of technical visits and sessions, the advances in hydro-environment worldwide, to be showcased, and, last but not the least, for the beauty of the host country and city.
We are committed and excited building up an appealing programme, covering the main leading-edge topics related to hydro-environment, as evidenced by the information already made available to you. A scientific committee of a broad diversity of experts on the conference themes will help maintain the usual event's high quality. The event will count with the participation of keynote speakers who are renowned experts in their respective fields and we are designing special sessions that are relevant and insightful. We encourage you to participate actively in the technical sessions and engage in thought-provoking discussions that will contribute to the advancement of the field.
In addition, we have organised several initiatives that are specifically aimed at young water professionals, ensuring that the congress remains inclusive and accessible to all.
Nevertheless, the ultimate success of the event hinges on your participation. We are counting on your submissions and your active involvement during the event. Given the current state of our world, business-as-usual water management practices are no longer tenable. As such, we have a shared responsibility to bring about the necessary change!
We hope to see you in Lisbon in June 2024!


Dr. Helena Alegre
Head of Hydraulics and Environment Department, National Laboratory for Civil Engineering

Dr. Jorge Matos
Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources, Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon

Dr. Francisco Taveira Pinto
Director - Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering - University of Porto

Abstract submission* November 17, 2023
Abstract notification January 31, 2023
Special sessions submission November 17, 2023
Special sessions notification December 31, 2023
* Please note that if you have already sent an abstract you do not need to resend it again.
The system however is open in case you want to make any change to your submitted abstract

"Be the change
you want to see
in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi