Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is my great honour to warmly welcome you all to the 8th IAHR Europe Congress and sincerely thank you for all your commitments and efforts made in preparing and presenting your valuable research and findings at this meeting. Following the tradition of previous European congresses, a stimulating scientific programme will be presented in lectures, oral as well as in poster presentations. The attendees are offered opportunity to meet with colleagues, learn about new developments in water related research and experience the wonderful hospitality and scenery of Lisbon.
IAHR European congresses are among key activities of the IAHR Europe Division helping to fulfil its mission. IAHR Europe Division speaks out on behalf of its members on the European and international stages, promotes water related science, and facilitates scientific collaboration across borders and disciplines. IAHR Europe Division seeks to improve the conditions for research, to provide the best independent and interdisciplinary advice available in all aspects of water related problems, and to strengthen the role of hydro-science and hydro-engineering in society. We all realize that life on Earth depends on freshwater resources which are under pressure. Floods, droughts and poor water quality are changing the lives of many people all over the world. Europe is definitely not free from the challenges brought on by climate change, increasing water demand and often mismanagement of water resources. This Congress will offer a platform to discuss those problems and it is all about engaging in a lively exchange of ideas and fostering collaboration.
We look forward to welcoming you to share your research and practical ideas and to enjoy academically and culturally stimulating days in Lisbon.